I have a degree in Video Game Journalism!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Redefining "Perfect"

Click here for professionalism: The ramifications of being a brothel

"Is the game perfect? Not by a mile."

And with that jaw-crushing blow, the fine journalists at Next Generation reach the desperate endgame of their defense to the 100% score they gave to Fight Night: Round 3.
I’m certainly not naïve enough to think that everyone involved in the games industry is a gamer. I remember at one of my early jobs in this business
"the games industry", or "this business", as it is referred to by hangers-on, means in this context hangers-on and people who subjectively like or dislike what is being hung on by the hangers-on, but still get paid for their opinions despite the lack of any more legitimate credentials than that smelly guy at work who drinks a lot of Mountain Dew.

"But!" Say many Video Game Journalists!!!, "I have spent many an hour playing games! Aye, I have blur dur hur duh hur" and at the point they say "Aye", I stop paying attention, because they have discredited themselves without even knowing why.

At any rate, I digress.

At the time, since I had one hand on a controller and the other on a keyboard, I was completely — how do the British say it? — gobsmacked.
You have to admire someone who will inject a word they already clearly know, feigning ignorance of it, into a piece proclaiming their integrity. And also adding that classy semi-foreign touch. Especially when that word is retarded. That's Balls. That's right. "Balls" with a capital B.

In my little niche end of the games industry (enthusiast media and professional game critics),
"My little niche end of the games industry" was bad enough, but I blacked out after "professional game critics". Sorry. I can't recall having ever had to use quotes so many times after already quoting the article. I'm now convinced this woman's pieces are actually the compositions of several ugly white men. Perhaps...the Illuminati?

Seriously, what the fuck, people? Is a "professional game critic" held up to the same standard as a "professional journalist"?

Then why do you pay for this shit?

Some of us have done work on Iraqi game development in the middle of a war, but whatever.


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