I have a degree in Video Game Journalism!

Friday, December 30, 2005

About Video Game Journalism!!!

There's something most of you don't realize about video game journalists.

It is a tough profession for us to be in.

We work long hours playing video games. Sometimes those hours are so long, we don't even get to finish the games we're reviewing. Sometimes we have to ask tough questions like "How awesome is your next game going to be?" and "Are the breast physics more advanced now than ever before?"

The people in our industry don't like to field questions like that. The people in our industry don't like to acknowledge video game reporters--the rebels on the fringe of the industry who eat just as many Cheetos and have just as much right to call it
industry as any coder working 80 hours a week on terrible games we give glowing reviews to for massive kickbacks from game publishers. We have to deal with security for Electronic Arts saying "Sir, please stop staring at the female employees or move along" and "Sir, your press badge is made of syrup and cat fur. Please leave or I'll call the police."

Did you see what I did back there? That's called HTML. You have to learn it in the field as a video game journalist.!!!

The people in our industry don't seem to realize that we walk a dangerous line--a line of not having any formal training in writing, or any training in any engineering or programming field, or often even a high school diploma.

Because we're heroes. We're Video Game Journalists.


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